Monday, September 9, 2013

Canadian Materials reviewed The Songcatcher and Me

Darleen Golke reviewed The Songcatcher and Me in the September 6th 2013 edition of the online magazine, Canadian Materials and rated the book "Highly Recommended."  Golke said, in part:

"Latta skilfully captures life in rural Ontario in the 1950s and provides insights into daily life and the importance of the corner [sic] store and its offerings to the community. The visits to nearby Juniper Township where Alice interviews elderly Mr. Vaughan and records  his song contributions is well-detailed, as is a community dance... Sheila, a nicely realized blend of optimism and trepidation about her future, emerges as a likeable teen trying to understand her role in the family and her world.... The introduction of Alice Common, a "modern" young woman for the 1950s who has a career, is happily married but childless by choice, and interacts intelligently with fellow academics opens new vistas for Sheila. Written for young adults, The Songcatcher and Me reminds adult readers of the emotional roller coaster teenagers ride...

You can access the entire review at

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